is a zodiac-inspired, twelve issue science-fantasy comic series written by George Mann, drawn by Joe Eisma, colored by Michael Garland, lettered by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou and designed by Tim Daniel. In ENGINEWARD, Earth is an ancient myth, long forgotten. Now, the god-like Celestials, who embody the surviving zodiac signs, rule with brutal efficiency. When Joss, an Engineward, discovers and reactivates the head of a fossilized Ghoulem, she learns all is not as intended. Her destiny—and the truth about her imperious rulers—lies somewhere far beyond the borders of her shantytown.
George Mann is a Sunday Times bestselling novelist and scriptwriter. He’s the creator of the supernatural crime series, Wychwood, as well as the popular Newbury & Hobbes and Tales of the Ghost novel series. He’s written for properties such as Star Wars, Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes, Judge Dredd, Warhammer 40,000 and Dark Souls, for publishers including Disney/Lucasfilm, Tor, BBC, IDW, Legendary, Titan, Panini and Audible. George is one half of the creative studio Strange Matter, which he co-formed with Cavan Scott in 2018. He’s currently part of the writers room on a forthcoming genre television show.
Joe Eisma is the artist and co-creator of Morning Glories, the Eisner-nominated and New York Times Bestselling series from Image Comics. Joe has also worked on Existence 3.0, Dynamo 5 and Notorious from Image, and has provided covers for BOOM!, IDW and Valiant Comics. Recently, Joe has also drawn many comics for Archie Comics, including the popular Riverdale adaptation, as well as, The Flash from DC Comics and Faith from Valiant. A primarily self-taught artist, Joe graduated in 2002 from Baylor University with a degree in film, and went on to study at Southern Methodist University's Guildhall program, where he received a Certificate in Art Creation for Video Games.
Vault Comics is an independent publisher of science fiction, fantasy, and supernatural horror comics, based in Missoula, Montana.