IDW Publishing 2019
Written by Kirsten Beyer & Mike Johnson
Illustrated by Angel Hernandez
Coloured by Joana Lafuente
Lettered by Neil Uyetake
You’ve seen the trailer... now, witness the events leading to CBS All Access’s Picard. Before he retired to his vineyard, Jean-Luc Picard was the most decorated admiral in Starfleet. Then one mission changed his life forever. The Countdown starts here!
Mike and Kirsten are back with a new limited series hot off the heels of Aftermath, last week, and while this might not be the exact creative team this by all means is just as talented. I went gaga over this first issue with how much we learn and see about what this is going to be all about. Also it was a stroke of genius and luck that Patrick Stewart agreed to be Picard once more. Honestly as much as I liked the rest of the crew Picard is the only one who is capable of actually sustaining something on his own.
This made me feel like I was welcoming back an old friend I hadn't been able to see in years. That feeling of being under a cozy blanket while lounging by the fireplace, yeah that's the one feeling I mean. I hadn't realised just how much I had missed Jean-Luc until I was reading this issue. Also his reputation and his way of speaking just all comes rushing back to us as we are introduced to what is happening here. The opening here is fantastic and starts to build a mystery of what exactly did happen that these two Romulan's are apparently arriving on Earth at Picards vineyard. Beautifully done and crafted throughout and Kirsten & Mike really do make a great writing duo for the Star Trek Universe and this helps to showcase why.
The story & plot development that we see through the sequence of events unfolding and how the information is released to the reader is exceptionally well done. The set-up here is marvellous and how the story flows through the events we see feels so incredibly right to me. The character development is impressive, mainly because they are taking such well established characters and moving them forward into the future and making them feel so much the same and yet so different. You can sense that they've got experiences we don't know about that have forged them into the characters we see here. The pacing is perfect as the ebb & flow that is created by seeing the twists and turns that show up are presented.
Angel and Joana do some wonderful work on the interiors here. The myriad of species that we see throughout with the inside of ships or new and wondrous planets the creativity and imagination on display really is ice to see. The linework here is great and how we see the varying weights being utilised to bring forth this attention to detail is beautifully rendered. I will say this, the Romulan's we see have a much scratchier approach to the linework than Picard and his companion and it doesn't look quite right. The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels show a greatly talented eye for storytelling. I absolutely adore how the backgrounds are being shown to us here. They have this impact on the setting that is more powerful than I think anyone realises and they really make the idea of Star Trek so real here. Good grief the colour work is exquisitely laid down. The way that we see the base colour and then the hues and tones within it create the shading, highlights and shadows is simply stunning.
New characters, familiar characters and THE event that changes Jean-Luc's life forever are looming. The way this has been started and the tension it builds for what's to come is delicious. I had forgotten how much fun Jean-Luc can be and matching wits with a Romulan to ensure the safety of so many hanging in the balance with the clock ticking well God I have missed this.