DC’s Young Animal 2016
Written by Gerard Way
Illustrated by Nick Derington
Coloured by Tamra Bonvillain
Special Thanks to Marissa Louise
Lettered by Todd Klein
Casey Brinke has stepped through to the other side-but where exactly is that? Given all the bizarre, unexplainable things that have come into her life over the last couple of days-robot men and talking ambulances and a guy who literally thrives on negative energy-surely this new and surprising world she has uncovered can’t be any weirder. Right?
They're creepy and they're kooky, mysterious and spooky, They're altogether ooky that may be a little over the top but damn if it doesn’t fit to a “T.” I mean this is everything about the Vertigo series that was so enjoyable just kind of continued here in the present. Those characters outside the norm that fascinate you and keep you entertained for hours at a time. From Flex Mentallo to Danny the Street to Cliff and Larry I mean this almost literally has everything.
As I’m reading this it’s like Gerard has decided that this series is a continuation of the Vertigo one only it’s that many years later and everyone is scattered about and lost. This is where Casey comes in for as yet undisclosed reason Danny has chosen her to find the rest of the Doom Patrol and bring them all together. It’s like some magical mystery tour only it’s not a yellow submarine it’s an Ambulance!
Well the reason why her may be undisclosed but and it’s a big but this is the origin of Casey and it’s not anything you’ve ever seen. It so completely falls into the realm that is the Doom Patrol that you can’t help but not love every single frakkin moment of what we see and learn.
Speaking of seeing Nick, Tamra and Marissa (?) do some seriously incredible work here. I mean the shifting in styles throughout is beyond impressive. The whole tone, feel and look of this book is astonishing. The use of page layouts through their angles, perspective and these backgrounds just make you feel like it’s one huge psychedelic acid trip that you never want to stop. There’s so much emotion here to experience and take joy from. Oh and just personal thank you for such a wonderfully handsome, hairy and sexy Flex!
Now we kind of know how the gang is supposed to get back together but it’s going to take a lot of work to make it happen. With NOWHERE gone and Vectra taking the place not to mention what’s going on with Larry and the Negative energy well it’s going to take more than the yellow brick road to get em all back together safe and sound. Plus just how does Casey’s roommate fit into all this? Inquiring minds want, no NEED to know. Because she’s nonchalantly put Cliff back together and hasn’t batted an eyelash when the disappeared.
This is the natural successor to what Grant originally did it’s creative, unique and seriously so out there it’s utterly brilliant.