Image Comics 2017
Written by Tini Howard
Illustrated by Celor
Coloured by K. Michael Russell
Lettered by Crank!
With the return of an old friend, Cassie barely has time to figure out who is sending proto-slasher prisoners after her campers or to get busy with a hot camp counsellor. Barely.
I think the story Tini is putting forth here is fabulous. The whole idea of Cassie being a camp counsellor and teaching kids how to kill slashers well it just takes the idea of Sleepaway Camp to a whole new level. Actually it’s pretty spot on stereotypically genius in my humble opinion. Well I don’t believe in coincidences and that her employer is a woman who knew her mother and about what she did while there is also a mad scientist who keeps making and sending zombies out into the woods all of this makes Ash vs the Evil Dead look tame by comparison.
So I guess we should have seen this coming in this book I mean it’s got resurrection in the damn title after all. Still while I’m kind of thrilled by the idea it still feels cliché and all too wrong to happen so quickly. So on the other hand she’s got a new foe that’s all too human in the mad scientist who not only makes zombies, he’s crowdsourced by the way, but brought him back from the dead. So she can hate and leave him alone for now because she’s conflicted.
I really do like this story Tini knows her way around structuring a book giving it that ebb & flow it needs to advance the story, throw in a little action and use characterisation to add that extra oomph to the proceedings. Then of course she’s a nice finger on the pulse of Cassie’s character and the supporting cast around her. The camp and those in it are new creations so that’s a nice playground already and to see Cassie ready to give it up to Laurie well while the lesbian chic is cute I hope Cassie is willing to fall for anyone who strikes her fancy.
I’m not happy with Celor and there are things I cannot get over or forgive. The lack of anatomy in what we see is horrendous and don’t anyone dare tell me it’s his style. Laurie’s books are totally going in different directions in one panel, the way backs, legs or walking on Barbie feet make me cringe. The light source that changes on a single face on in a pair of glasses no no no. The overly simple middle school approach to art just does this no justice whatsoever. Angles and perspective are off more than they are on and the startling lack of backgrounds when the work is so simple, amateur and definitely not something that took time is unforgivable. Nothing about the interiors here is worth the price of admission.
I love the story too, with Laurie (Halloween much) being a bad girl show shotguns smoke into Cassie’s mouth, oh it’s not cigarette smoke either, and trying to and succeeding in seducing her is some great moments it’s really the setting, the boat load of zombies roaming around and the mad scientist who is seemingly hell-bent on either making her work with him or at least for him whether she likes it or not.
The camp, the kids learning to defend themselves and kill things that go bump in the night should actually happen. The kids are pseudo learning and I think Cassie needs to take em into the woods where the zombies dwell and teach to eliminate the undead flesh eating monsters. Let’s keep the romance on the back-burner and let the focus be on what she does best shall we.
The story is fun, entertaining and ironically perfect, however the interiors make this one of those I find it hard to say is worth the price on the cover. The choice is yours and if you find the art appeals to you then by all means enjoy!