Scout Comics 2019
Written & Lettered by Adem Kiamil
Illustrated by Ton Lima
Coloured by Derek Dow
After a supposed terrorist attack by a One Percenter, those that have the specific gene required to activate the airborne virus that has infected the Earth's entire population, on the city's largest bank, the government gives Sanaxus the green light to test everyone for the One Percent Gene. They start in rural areas and Neve's school is among the first to be tested!
I love how the guy in the bank couldn’t control his powers and they went off whether he wanted them to or not. So naturally in order to control what they don’t understand the Government decides to take away a persons rights and put them all in internment camps if they test positive for the gene. Yeah that’s something that is all too real, I mean this a violation of human rights and let’s face it the U.S. Government has a history of violating them, hell we concentration camps for the Japanese and folks like them in WWII and thanks to scaremongering they exist now for those crossing the border from Central and South America. So the rise of a super human is something that scares those who don’t have the power to control it and this response is the response of weak minded and weak willed men who suffer from Napoleon Complexes.
I got to hand it to Adem for not only the way he’s writing this but for making it seems to real and natural a response to what is happening. While nothing really surprised me this issue the way it is being told through story & plot development, it’s pacing and character development has made me a fan of the work. There are some moments that raise my shackles and that just means I am human and have emotions and feelings. However the flow that is created here just moves silky smooth as actions and reactions are more than enough to expand the characterisation in fantastic waves. Also I like the potential I see when it comes to Neve and his friends as well as the Doc that told him to hang tight. While we can guess at what’s coming we won’t be sure until we see things unfold but if they make to the new internment camp their lives will be in danger.
I am a huge fan of the interior artwork here. The linework is gorgeous and I love how we see the varying weights utilised to create some marvellous attention to detail. Again the faces and facial expressions betray emotions and feelings in ways that the words alone couldn’t do. The way that we see the composition of the panels and how backgrounds are seemingly essential to the storytelling by expanding the moments and bringing a size and scope to the book. The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels show as fantastic eye for storytelling. The colour work is beautiful as well. The way light sources are utilised to show shading, colour blocking and even some gradation effects really make a statement. There are times I wish it were utilised more to define facial features instead of linework because I can see moments where that would work perfectly.
The book is amazing and thanks to a very interesting and solid premise through the execution of the writing and the interior illustrations we see a new franchise coming to life before our lives. They say youth is wasted on the young but the kids we see here they are going to be the generation that changes this world, I just have that feeling. I feel like we’re going to see them featured as they grow up a lot sooner than expected and have to work together, become a surrogate family and keep the world around them safe. This is the kind of potential I have been waiting for and if I am even remotely right this is the next New Teen Titans.