Image Comics 2016
Created & Written by Bryan Lee O’Malley
Created & Illustrated by Leslie Hung
Coloured by Mickey Quinn
Lettered by Mare Odomo
Lottie meets a mysterious man, and her conflict with Charlene intensifies. Normgirl throws a party, and Cutegirl does something cute!
I keep reading this and I keep thinking this girl is so completely shallow and hasn’t a clue about life. Then I get online and social media and realise that she’s just thousands of other younger people today. Completely self absorbed in how they present themself and more concerned with what others think, being a follower, rather than being happy with who they are. It’s almost shocking that I see this much change in people in literally such a short amount of time. Maybe it’s the leaps and bounds in technology and that phones are basically glued to the hands and the pictures are in need of being liked? I dunno personally I don’t even have a data plan on my phone I just don’t get that need to disconnect so completely from those around you.
Once you understand what the book is about it’s easy to enjoy. Not even really tongue in cheek as much as outright mocking in my opinion and that makes it so very enjoyable. The mystery of how Coolgirl can keep texting her is one that I can’t wait to see more of. That there’s some kind of legitimate mystery going on in all the silliness makes this a lot more interesting. Plus we get to see another side of things and that stark contrast well it’s a nice distraction.
So this big party has me in all kinds of a tither. From her reaction to actually having to go and her assistant’s calm demeanor and somewhat incredulous attitude to the way the whole thing plays out it’s one huge hot mess of fun. Normgirl is hosting the party and for a special reason that a friend would be happy about not unfollow her because of what’s coming and the fact that cutegirl has the exact same dress at the same event that’s priceless.
There’s always that one guy at the party, hot but dumb as rocks. Thinks he’s all that and a bag of chips but is really clueless. But getting angry at your ex for dating a former intern and doing what she did, yeah we’ve all dreamt of doing something along those lines so don’t lie. Now my biggest thing is after she takes that pill, with champagne nonetheless, suddenly she sees Coolgirl at the party alive and well. We know she’s there after all they walk in THAT guy and why is that blurred out inquiring minds wanted to see what he has to offer. What the heck how’d she live and how is she there? Oh my god now I have to come back next issue just to see how all this is coming about.
Other than the pixelation i’m loving the way the interiors look here. It’s got it’s own unique charm that just seems to fit the flighty lead character. It’s cute, serious and yet full of great attention to detail. The fashions are great honestly I enjoy the use of creativity and imagination in how the characters look and are stylised. I do want more backgrounds but that’s just me and what I love to see.
With the ending focusing the cop and his borderline obsession with Lottie I had to chuckle and look forward to where that leads. Bryan has crafted a great little series that’s fun, interesting and full of verve.