Legendary Comics 2019
Written by C.M. Landrus & Charles Velasquez-Witosky
Illustrated by Harvey M. Tolibao, Tristan Jurolan & Jhun Mar Tadong Entico
Coloured by Kevin Tolibao & Kevin Anthony De Castro
Lettered & Designed by Comicraft
Cover by ZID
As Rycroft Philostrate adjusts to his life in The Burgue, memories of his former life intertwine with a mystery that will take him through the strange city streets that he now calls home. A recent bomb attack has only intensified the situation, can he find the people responsible before there is another explosion?
Now I haven't seen the show yet and it is definitely on my list of shows to watch. I will probably end up binge watching it when I get it. Still when I saw that Legendary was doing two books based on the series I said I need to read and review them because well A. that's what I do and B. I was and am super intrigued by this whole premise.
I was right to be excited and intrigued by this because what I see here is amazing. The idea is beyond expectations as this period in London's history becomes alternate history with technological advances and the Fae folk taking up residence. As with any group that comes, late to the party shall we say and yes I know they were here first, into a system already established they are looked upon with disdain and mistrust. Humans are a violent and stupid lot believing they've always been the smartest around and top of the food chain predators and for the most they are, they kill without rhyme or reason. They kill because they feel threatened by those who are different. Any number of groups could be inserted and considered Faerie and this would still apply today.
Oh I like the way we are introduced to the characters here. The story & plot development along with the character development is incredibly well done and how the pacing picks it all up and constantly moves us forward shows some really nice skill and talent. The introduction of Proctor Garrick should be of note to everyone and meeting him the way we do demonstrates why and precisely what kind of man he is. Though I am a little disappointed that despite the location we see nothing despite the very nature of the place and what it really means.
Harvey and company do some absolutely magnificent work on the interiors here. The linework is exquisite and the way we see the varying weights being utilised to create some superior stunning attention to detail blows me away. From the Proctor's all too human body to the creativity and imagination in the Faerie what we see is amazingly well executed and rendered to thrill our imaginations. The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels show such a stupendous eye for storytelling. The colour work here as well it's simply beautiful and how it has this strategically placement is perfectly done. The Sepia tones in the flashback work extremely well to differentiate the two.
So this is our look at Philo and how he started on his first day and how he is becoming involved with the Burge. The detective work, the building of trust and how he's going to police this area that is what we see among this whole mystery of who's doing the bombing and why. There is a lot that happens here and while it's pretty darn close to a standard size issue thanks to the pacing and the storytelling everything flows naturally and perfectly. This is may be something of a prequel to the television series but heck I want this as a series in it's own right because this, this encapsulates everything a comic book should be.