Image Comics 2015
Written by Kel Symons
Illustrated by Nate Stockman
Coloured by Paul Little
Lettered & Design by Pat Brosseau
It seems like these guys are never satisfied and have to keep things moving along in these ways that seem to just defy explanation. This issue finally gives us how the Venn managed to get on board Hope and how the human population survived this encounter and ended up as they are today.
I for one loved the history lesson by the Venn. I also really like the fact that he didn’t sugar coat it either. When he said that “sometimes we had to TAKE what we wanted” instead of always trying to paint them as the misunderstood kind well yeah I was alright honesty. That in their travels and that they assaulted Hope in order to collect specimens and take the ship itself they caused not only their ship to be destroyed but damaged Hope’s vital systems as well so that they are the reason everything is as it is today was kind of cool.
Also that the Venn leader claims to have killed all Wardens in one fell swoop well we see he missed one but he doesn’t elaborate on that. So if he was there when all this went down how long do these Venn live? He says they went into some kind of hibernation chamber but really I need to see more from a human perspective about how they lost everything and no one who knew anything didn’t survive to pass along the information. That and seriously not on survivor would have thought to seek out and destroy the hibernating Venn?
So yes there are holes to explore but it does go a very long way in explaining how the Venn are there to begin with and why they are so desperate to find what they need to get back on track and off the ship or at least take control of it for themselves.
Before we can actually get to what I was alluding to earlier Ryen shows up to free Seph and he does with style. Tying it into what the Venn were known to begin with. This is the kind of showdown we’ve been waiting for but even that is something Kel couldn’t just tell straight up. Instead another twist and another fantastic idea is sewn into the story taking everything one step further into that science fiction realm that you just don’t expect and have to stare at the page, thanks to Nate’s art which is what the reveal is from not the words itself.
Now I have no clue if this is meant to be a finite series or not but I have to say that everything we’ve gotten so far begs for more. Granted this isn’t the Starship Enterprise but think of what these characters and can do and learn should they have that opportunity, of course they need to survive their current predicament first but Kel and Nate have me looking towards the future. Though I will say suddenly I have a very different understanding of the ghost woman that only Reyn can see and I can’t wait to have the explored further.
This is an exciting, fresh, unique and thrilling series. The writing, characterization, plot advancement and interior artwork have been exceedingly consistent in bringing us a story each issue that the reader isn’t prepared for. For me this is a first as EVERY issue is a game changer in some way shape or form.