Black Mask Studios 2017
Created & Written by Magdalene Visaggio
Created & Illustrated by Eryk Donovan
Coloured by Claudia Aguirre
Lettered by Zakk Saam
Mad science is the punkest shit there is. Teenage sweethearts Nat & Sumesh spend their nights breaking into abandoned superlabs to steal the parts they need to build a time machine -- and they've just found the most important part. But mysterious entities keep trying to stop them turning it on. Now all they've gotta do is hang on long enough to figure out why.
I’m already a fan of this, the story premise alone that’s it all based on “real” kids who have this love and passion for science in ways that boggle the imagination was all I really needed to know. Throw in that Nat is or was Brandon and is currently Sumesh’s girlfriend it really takes that whole interest factor to level that surprised, shocked and thrilled the hell out of me. Also kudos for the transitioning Nat it’s nice to see more characters in comics represent those in the real world, though why we don’t see female to male is a question i’ll ask.
So right off the bat with the opening we are led to understand that science in this reality has a whole new level and scope of understanding than our own. Or else somewhere abandoned laboratories are guarded by humanoid robots and i’ve been missing my chances to raid them. The idea that Sumesh is a tinkerer and can make fantastic devices using scavenged parts is one that is fantastic I mean some of the best scientists, inventors and builders did the same thing. In all the opening really shows us what Nat and Sumesh are like, who plays what role as Nat’s the natural born fighter and gives us a solid look at their personalities.
I do very much like the interiors here as well. They have some really nice attention to detail, the backgrounds in use are so well utilised to complete the bigger picture and there’s this really nice style going on where the people are concerned. There really is a great quality to the work that I find attractive and unique so i’m totally into it. Plus the use of page layouts with their angles and perspective are really well done.
It’s a beautifully done first issue. The structure of the story is superb and it really introduces us to these characters, their personalities and their world in a way that’s both broad and focused. Plenty of room for interpretation and exploration as we see different aspects of their lives come into the light. The love of science and the desire to be a part of something bigger and greater than they ever dared imagine is alluring and the consequences of that well all actions have reactions now don’t they?
Black Mask continues to put out some of the more edgy and interesting stories out there right now and they don’t hold back. This is unapologetically what it is and it’s freaking awesome!