Martian Lit 2014
Written by Julian Darius
Illustrated by Sergio Tarquini
Coloured by R.L. Campos
After the first issues exploration of Isabella and that her body is inhabited by woman from Mars and the subsequent revelation to her sister who she is it’s nice to see that this issue continues on there. Julian is doing an amazing job telling this story and revealing her character through the characterization we see here. It all seems like a natural progression after discovering herself and the journey she’s taking.
A charisma field is an interesting concept and to see it put in action almost innocently as the sisters sit on a bench was nicely done. It’s like Isabella is the kind of person a stranger can stop and talk to and hear advice from that makes sense and unsolicited. This comes is important since comes into play later in the issue and that fact really showcases that Julian isn’t afraid to put it out there and makes it something integral to the character.
This a then and now type story only the then is like a few days earlier and the now is that the sisters are in Dallas Texas for a meeting. Jonathan Skilling has set up a meeting with Isabella Montoya on the pretense that his company would like a Online Spokesperson and after seeing her video he’d like Isabella. Oh my sweet goodness the dialogue here is outstandingly good. Listening to his spiel and then hearing Isabella’s response this has to be some of the best verbal sparring around today.
The intelligence of the conversation astounds me. It’s fantastic i’m thoroughly enjoying it and as I reread it it just gets better. The reasoning, the whole wait let me think, absorb and redirect what’s going on and then the big question at the end of it which leads directly into another story that’s also background but nothing to do with Isabella. This is why I read self-published books because you can’t find this kind of writing and thought provoking material so passionately done outside a creator owned project.
Lazarus a leper was cured by Jesus on not everything is as it appears to be. The man was dead and brought back to life only the man inside the body is not the man who had been there. Because he isn’t the same as he was he sought out Jesus again to understand his new life and wasn’t prepared or what he was told. All the miracles that Jesus performed were misinterpreted by the primitive understand man had at that time for his body may have belonged to Joseph and Mary’s son his spirit was that of a man from Mars.
I’m sorry the originality of all this is freaking incredible to read. There’s so much fun going on here that it almost appears insane. Hell even Sergio’s interiors are good and make this a joy to read. The backgrounds are nicely done the body proportions are spot on, the building in Dallas is modern with a twist everything he brings us here is really putting emotion and feeling to the reader. Even Jonathan and his evil persona comes through in contrast to the more trusting and innocent Isabella.