Stonebot/Red 5 Comics 2019
Written by Matts
Illustrated by Sergio Monjes
Coloured by Ramón Bunge
Lettered by Altercomics Studio
Machine Girl has retaken control of her body and discovered the secrets of her past... just in time to fight for her future in the stunning conclusion!
I am such a fan of this and the whole Stonebot line that I have read thus far. As a fan of old school science fiction, for me what I grew up on had aliens, robots and was very much story driven and that's classic for me, this comes really close to that as I could possibly hope for. The whole idea here that Megan's father wanted to live out his days in relative isolation with his daughter getting rather violently disrupted and the ensuing journey to find him opening up who and what she is has been beautifully depicted. Matts has a voice that needs to be heard and if this story is any indication he is going to be telling some of today's best science fiction.
The way that this is being told is amazing. The way we see the story & plot development through how the sequence of events unfold and how the reader learns information is laid down exceptionally well. I am a fan of learning alongside the main character and as Megan learned about who and what she was so did we. This made the connection that reader has with her that much stronger. The character development we see is great and as we see the characters encounter different situations and circumstances we watch them grow and evolve like any sentient being hopefully would. The pacing is superb and as it takes us through the pages revealing the twists and turns and final bits and bobs of information help to create the books ebb & flow.
There are times when a story is finite and that's okay not everything needs to be drawn out. So to see that this isn't one of those makes me happy. I like how the book ends as it presents a few options should they wish to continue with this story. While it is pretty complete that there is a chance this isn't the last we see of them is fabulous! So if this were to continue I fervently wish that the two little ones and her uncle will be a part of her quest. The other thing we see oh that's superbly delicious and so out of left field that I might as well have been standing there picking daisies. This story really does have a bit of everything and how Matts makes it all work together makes me jealous of his talent.
The interiors here are mindbogglingly in their scope and execution. The linework is exquisite and how we see the varying weights being utilised to showcase the attention to detail is phenomenal. The best example of this is the splash page with Galaxy M4 and if that doesn't make you feel something then I don't know what will. The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels show a magnificent eye for storytelling. The composition within the panels and how backgrounds are utilised bring us this nice depth perception, scale and an overall sense of size and scope to the book. The colour work we see is glorious! How the various hues and tones within the colours are utilised to show shading, highlights and shadow work s done by someone who understands how colour can and should work, even in alien environments.
This is one of the better science fiction comics you will read. It is far and away leagues above and beyond most of what's out there now. Any fan of science should have this in in their lives already and if you don't well then you'll thank me later after reading it and realising I am right.