RTC Studios 2014
Written by Kenneth A. Brown
Illustrated by Ryan Best
Lettered by HDE
I love my job, okay so it’s a labour of love cause I don’t get “paid” to read and review books. I really enjoy when someone notices one of my reviews and asks me to review their book, not only is it a huge compliment but I love finding new creators and unknowns who have that love and passion for the industry.
I was really impressed with this first issue. The concept isn’t new as a group of folks go planet hopping searching for signs they once contained life. This time around Connie Beaumont and her crew sent by N.A.S.A. head to an unknown planet for the eighth time where their luck is about to change forever. This has all the earmarks for a franchise like Alien but it’s also an original take something that’s really hard to do anymore.
Ryan’s interiors are really strong. I like the way the book flows through pages and panels, his use of angles and perspective are great. The use of backgrounds give off a more complete look at both this seemingly dead planet as well as the ship’s interiors. I love his attention to detail in things like the ship, the space suits and the bones of the alien species they find. His people need a bit of tightening up to match their surroundings but they are also nice and proportionate. I can’t wait to see him grow more and really come into his own.
The characterization is good and the mission clearly defined. You can tell this crew have traveled around a lot together and have formed a familial bond. The circumstances in which the crew or should I say Connie, finds an alien skeletal graveyard was nicely done. The use of technology like drones made for work in space is great to see as it feels like a natural extension of what we already have in use.
You know when this turned into a modern day science fiction horror story I almost cheered. I’ve been wanting a new original franchise that has an Alien base to it for ages and it’s been near impossible to have someone come up with a way to do that which pays homage to such an iconic franchise and yet still has originality to it that makes it stand alone and this does just that.
When the crew is boxing up a skeleton to bring back to Earth they find something else attached to it. It looks like a fossilized Arthropod, something reminds the reader of a roly poly which seems innocuous enough. That however is when all hell breaks loose on board the ship and I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen next.
There’s a lot of potential here from what i’ve seen. The story is strong and well crafted, the pacing is fantastic and the characterization is on point. That we are left with a few options for moving forward means that perhaps for the first time the ship won’t be overtaken and they’ll actually get back to Earth where things will go from bad to worse. I mean c’mon they were supposed to find evidence of life and they have and who knows what tests, experiments and potential weaponizing of this life form is planned!
With all that’s going on including good solid interiors here’s hoping the guys are able to find support so we can have these issues put out on a more regular basis. You can head over to Comixology for this issue or peninkcolorstudio.com for physical copies. Issue two’s release date is approaching so order up and get ready for another sci-fi horror classic in the making!