IDW Publishing 2015
Story by Thompson & Campbell
Written by Kelly Thompson
Illustrated by Sophie Campbell
Coloured by M. Victoria Robado
Love it or hate it there is no question this series is on the lips of so many people and is creating a new legion of fans worldwide and honestly I think that’s great. This is an updated version of a somewhat campy cartoon, my opinion, that has taken on new meaning and direction to showcase such wonderful diversity, inner strength and that you can follow your dreams and be whatever/whoever you want to be in this world. I miss the music and let’s face it there really should be that Shazam app thing to at least bring us a single with each issue to really make it that much more interactive but hey i’m reaching for the stars with that one.
Last issue Clash called Blaze and set in motion a plan that Clash thought would be in the Misfits best interest only as we see this issue that plan completely backfired. Not only did it draw more attention to Jem & the Holograms but it made Pizzazz angry because it did just that, made them more famous and nothing bad happened to em. It’s actually a softer side of Pizzazz if there is such a thing but I have to admit I liked it.
Rio really has made himself at home with all the girls, except Jem of course and as Jerrica’s boyfriend (?) he’s at the hospital for Aja after the mishap on stage. He really is the guy that cares about them and while he hasn’t officially joined them in any official capacity you see that his feelings are genuine. Still now it’s time to get ready for the VS. contest and that means coming up a with a new song, courtesy of Kimber, and we see all around how they are preparing themselves in what seems like a love montage between Stormer and Kimber. As well as the rest of both bands.
So it’s the Misfits VS battle time and Jerrica and company are out on the boardwalk letting the trailer get less crowded so she can safely change to Jem when they have their first band to band meeting with the Misfits. This is when Kimber recognizes Clash as being at the benefit with a bag full of tools and knows she sabotaged the stage. So what happens next well it’s just too much fun people seriously this is the kind of high school antics you always wanted to see and be a part of and seeing it here yeah it’s freakin hilarious. Plus this is the act that irrevocably puts them at odds forever.
I am a fan of the interior artwork as well. It’s fun,flirty, cute and in my humble opinion is an elevated cartoon style which makes for the real perfect compliment. I get happy looking at this book’s interiors there really is something about that you can’t help but smile while looking at.
Regardless of what your personal feeling are if you don’t give this it’s proper chance you’re doing yourself a disservice. I think this is a perfect book for today’s world for all ages and genders.