Perfect Storm Publishing 2018
By Rob Jones
Ever since seeing the Cliff Hanger films as a kid, Kate Carter has had two loves: archaeology, and action/adventure films about archaeologists. Torn between the two, she eventually chose to pursue a career in Hollywood as a stunt woman—but she often dreamed about what might have been.
Sometimes a pdf will sit in my queue for a while and for whatever reason, usually real life, prevents me from getting to it in a more timely fashion. Much as I would love to say this was capable of paying the bills….we all know better. Usually however is someone is overly persistent I may wait even longer but this one was there I kept seeing it and kept hmm what is this and why is it here. So I re-read it and vaguely remembered it and talking to rob on initial thoughts. However I don’t think I did a review so here we are welcome to my first Perfect Storm Publishing review.
When I was a kid there was a television program called Cliffhangers where every episode ended in one. I loved it though I was eight or nine, though I was eight or nine, everything was beautiful then to my young and eager young mind. So already the premise here is something most of us can relate to, being a kid finding that one thing that passion about something that carries over into adulthood untarnished and unblemished. Granted mine was comic books, even went to Art School to hone my talents and now here I am just writing about them, yet I still love them. Kate is someone we can all relate to and that’s a wonderful place to start.
There is no real boom for an opening here that one thing you need to stand out and take notice of so it will draw you making you want to continue. So don’t let something like that stop you, mainly because someone’s first attempt isn’t always the best, in their mind it works but honestly the potential here from Rob is amazing. So a quick journey through Kate’s life catches up on everything she’s been able to do and master. There is a part of me that thinks she is overly ambitious and how on Earth can one person do all these things? Still there really much in the way of friends or romance in her life just her pushing herself to some ideal standard she is holding herself to.
So the interiors here are not bad at all and i’m kind of even more impressed with the book since Rob does all of it. Everything we see is what he wants us to see so it has the impact on the reader that he’s looking to convey. Personally I want to see more backgrounds you can tell when things are just place compared to being used to enhance the story. Still his utilisation of page layouts is nice to see as well as the angles and perspective that show his eye for storytelling which is quite good. For me I think the stand out pages in this issue revolve around Roosevelt and when you get the book you’ll see why.
Admittedly there are a few things about the story that are suspect in terms what you are willing to do to impress someone, idol or not. So that Kate does this thing that’s well illegal to gain the trust of a man she idolises and wants to work with well it does make you question her moral compass. Enthusiasm and training aside in many ways this is another type of audition. One that I want to see the results of, trust me you will too and it's this that makes the story more compelling to me.
The book is structured nicely and there is a good flow to it. The characters and characterisation are interesting and make you take notice of the people involved. There is an aspect of a secret society, danger and subterfuge that draws you and that’s what makes you want to see what’s going to come next. For a debut issue from someone you’ve never heard of, possibly, this is another example of seeing so much promise, talent and ability that when it coalesces it’s going to a force to be reckoned with and that is something worth watching happen.