IDW Publishing 2017
Written by Brian Ruckley
Illustrated by Andrea Mutti
Coloured by Vladimir Popov
Lettered by Chris Mowry
I will wholeheartedly admit that I was only a casual fan of the movie and the subsequent television series. The premise behind it is fantastic, the idea that immortals run around chopping each other’s heads off until only one remains well it’s just dark and dangerous enough to balance that idea of immortality. So that being said what Brian brings us this issue not only reaffirms that about the premise for me but starts things off with a reunion, a potential trap and background information on our characters. All in all he really makes this a nice jumping on point for new readers and that quick refresher for longtime fans.
I’m actually very impressed with the writing here and the way the issue unfolds. I like how we open things up and then backtrack to their first encounter with one another. It’s always nice to get that hard strong look at how friendships are made between people and in this case ones who are destined to square off against each other at some point in time is even more profound. To go with that the characterisation is delightful and I do feel like we get a nice look at who the characters are. Not what they are about that still has yet to come but then again this is only the first issue.
To be honest I had expected things to take a much different turn as the issue unfolded. So kudos to Brian for seeming to go down one route and instead take us in another direction. Very nicely played sir. Though we do get to see one moment that speaks volumes and could be something that is potentially disastrous for them, depending on whom it is and what he represents that is. I mean c’mon we couldn’t exactly go the whole time without some intrigue peeking in now could we.
I think Andrea was a brilliant choice in artist to bring this story to life. He’s an amazing talent and his eye for storytelling is superb. His attention to detail is one of those things that I really appreciate and that he uses backgrounds so well just makes this series pop already. The use of page layouts through angles and perspective are utilised brilliantly and keep that cinematic feel to the events. Also I like that the characters aren’t made to look like the actors who portrayed them it’s give him more leeway to really flesh them out and make them his own.
I have no idea if the Highlander story ended or how it ended or if by some miracle it’s still ongoing but I will say that for the foreseeable future i’ll be reading this. This has the right blend action/adventure, intrigue and drama to go along with the whole idea of an immortal. It’s not always easy to find a book based on a franchise that can stand on it’s own but these fine folks have done just that.