Vault Comics 2019
Written by Paul Tobin
Illustrated by Arjuna Susini
Coloured by Vittorio Astone
Lettered by Saida Temofonte
Glane and the gang shift the heist into high gear, but there’s a few bumps along the road—like a highly-trained bird, some even higher-trained assassins, and a group of Glane lookalikes with murder on their minds. Luckily, Glane has a master plan that involves… two drops of red ink? Huh? How’s THAT going to work?
Oh Paul how I love the work that you do! In all seriousness this is way beyond a hoot and a holler as I the whole concept is so out there that I am surprised it is even a real thing. Glane goes away for his crimes and then gets out and with a huge price on his head puts together a crew of the very folks that hate him, one more than the rest, and they are going full steam ahead with stealing the planet. It sounds crazy and it is, however, the way this being written is so damn brilliant that if this crazy then sign me up because I don't want to be sane.
I love the way that this is being told. The story & plot development we see through how the sequence of events unfold and how the reader learns information is laid down to perfection. To see how the various moving parts are being put into play and with the Crows and those are out there to collect the bounty of Glane's head has the layering to make things feel more interesting. The character development is utterly phenomenal! Each character has some time spent on them so that we see their personalities continue to emerge with each appearance. Plus seeing how they act and react to situations and circumstances they find themselves in speaks volumes about them as well. The pacing is superb and as it takes us through the pages revealing the twists and turns along the way helps to create such a nail-biting ebb & flow to the book.
While we spend so much time with the adults here following them through seemingly impossible encounters and moments that only a master thief could possibly think of doing it's Brady who remains my favourite character. While he may think of himself as the Artful Dodger he's more Oliver Twist and that has this innocence surrounded by that shell he projects and his own smarts, street and otherwise, are greatly underrated. He's the ward that Glane never knew he wanted or needed in his life.
The linework that we see throughout his book are bloody effin brilliant! There are techniques being utilised so that it has more of an old school feel to it, like the old House of Mystery genre of books and yet thanks to what we see is so current in it's tone and feel. The attention to detail that we see through how the varying weights of the linework are being utilised makes me happy, so very happy. The way that we see backgrounds here as well, though never enough of them, as the work within the composition inside the panels to bring us this depth perception, scale and that overall sense of size and scope to the book is marvellous. The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels show this absolutely masterful eye for storytelling. The colour work is divine. How we see the various hues and tones within the colours to create the shading, highlights and shadow work show some incredible understanding of how colour should work. Whether it's colour blocking or gradation of however we see the walls and floors versus the clothing and hair is dynamic.
The way we see the little scams being done and not just by Glane and his crew but by all the different folks out for his head show some real knowledge of grift's, scams and how how to get away with murder in ways that show us Paul leads a double life or he's done some astonishing research, or quite possibly both. With the strength of the writing and just how damn good the interiors are keep bringing a spotlight on Vault Comics as they continue to support creators like Paul who want to tell this seemingly epic story's.