Aftershock Comics 2020
Created & Written by Mark Sable
Illustrated by Maan House
Coloured by Hernan Cabrera
Lettered by Thomas Mauer
The Godkillers are an elite special forces unit created to fight insurgents who are using mythological creatures. As they battle a Penanggalan in the Philippines that may be in league with ISIS, the Godkiller's first Arab-American officer is forced to grapple with both his inner and outer demons.
This is bloody brilliantly mindbogglingly spectacular! Mark's mind is the brain's version of Warehouse 13 in all it's glory. Seriously that's what I think when I read this and if you haven't gotten on board yet well with the halt on new books hitting stands for a while this is the perfect opportunity to find out why I am raving about this series at issue two! This is so far from the ordinary and perfectly outside the box so that no matter what genre you gravitate towards you are going to find yourself intrigued and engaged in this story. It isn't just that either Mark is skilled writer and the way that he is able to structure this book and bring out the subtlety of these different personalities who are new to working with one another is utterly delightful.
The way this is being told really is brilliantly done. The story & plot development that we see through how the sequence of events unfold and how the reader learns information is presented perfectly. There is this way that Mark is telling this that has that mix of technical and layman so that it is relatively easy to understand everything that is happening. Believing it, well... that's another story. The character development we see here is phenomenally well done. The mix of personalities shines through and we get who they are at their core and then we start to wonder about their adaptability. So while we are learning about them we're also engaged to think about them further than what's presented. The pacing here is superb and as it takes us through the pages revealing the twists and turns along the way works with everything else to create the books ebb & flow.
I found myself riveted to this book. The first issue was strong and interesting but here we get to see things taken further. The character interactions are more intense and the realisation of what is going on around them should frighten everyone let alone the soldiers themselves. While I think we've seen versions prior but they've never been seen with this kind of angle to them or have been done with this level of intensity and aplomb.
Oh Maan sigh I believe you are the only who can bring this level of oomph to the interiors that will allow me to overlook when backgrounds aren't utilised. There is something truly magnificent about the mood, tone and feel that this work brings to the reader. It feels dark and dangerous and automatically gives that adrenaline rush that comes with the tension it gives the reader. There is a creativity and imagination on display here as well that really taps into something dark and primal. The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels show a marvellous eye for storytelling. I am a fan of the colour work we see as well. That it's so dark and all of the hues and tones are darkened yet still readable as that colour is extremely well rendered and shows immense talent. The pops of bright colour stand out like a beacon in the night and it's beautifully done.
There is so much here to learn about and see. This doesn't cover what most of the western world understands about gods, demons and the mythological creatures that permeate other societies. We see such a marvellous introduction to worlds we don't know about and how the layers of story and the potential we see is exciting. This is some stellar work all around it isn't surprising it's from Aftershock, the home for outstanding and creative storytelling.