Image Comics 2016
Written by Jim Zub
Illustrated by Djibril Morissette-Phan
Coloured by K. Michael Russell
Lettered by Marshall Dillon
Back Matter by Holly Raychelle Hughes
Last issue we met Farrah who’s life seems to have that downward spiral to a place where she feels lost, without hope and wants nothing more than to work as an actress. After a rather harsh audition she goes to the beach where a creature came out and it seemed like this weird dream. Only she meets with her agent and suddenly she’s got this monster inside her and it kills him. It seems rage and anger are it’s trigger for coming out and Farrah is filled with that.
We open this issue with the girl who was talking to Farrah last issue. She’s meeting with her therapist and talking about the encounter. It’s actually a good bit of writing from Jim as she’s able to describe what it was she felt when dealing with Farrah. What if anything this will lead to remains unclear unless it’s just to establish more of how Farrah was seen prior to the beach. Still the characterisation here is stunning for both Brooke and by proxy Farrah.
We get to meet Detective Isaac Rahal this issue as he interviews Farrah outside the office where the murder took place. She was the last person who was scheduled to meet him and according to reports she found him dead in his office. I like this Detective he’s kind of hard and maybe a tad jaded by his time on the force but he’s no one's fool that’s for sure. As he’s asking about the body and where it could be we get a flashback and see just what could have happened to him.
Djibril and K. Michael do some absolutely great work on the interiors here. Though we only got to see the creature in action in a flashback and see what we all think did happen through the imagery it’s really quite unnerving. The way Djibril uses the page layouts with the angles and perspective, not to mention the use of backgrounds, really show off how he’s able to control the flow of the story nicely. The emotions he’s able to bring to the book through the characters expressions are fantastic. Plus the use of shading and shadows is wonderfully done. Plus Isaac has this great look about him and one that’s rugged and worn and I can’t wait to see more of him.
This issue really sets up how unstable Farrah is and even to those who just want to help her, be there for her and would support her now matter what. She needs her friend Dean to talk to and unload on but when he says something to set her off things start to go downhill. The scene with the two, Dean and Farrah, on the balcony is such good writing and visuals it’s strong and kind of powerful in how it showcases the changes in her.
There’s something utterly new and unique and yet almost familiar at the same time about this book. It’s so well done and such a departure from what we’re used to from Jim subject matter wise, a creature overtaking her life I mean it may come from the ocean but it might as well be from outer space it’s kind of the same thing. With such strong writing, characterisation and visuals this issue got even stronger than the first for me.