Vault Comics 2018
Written by Alex Paknadel
Illustrated by Martin Simmonds
Coloured by Dee Cunniffee
Lettered Taylor Esposito
Leo wasn't allowed toys as a kid, but now that he's all grown up he's going to take yours. He used to play by the rules, but then governments and corporations set fire to the rules and still expected him to behave. He probably would have if it hadn't been for his new friend Jerry. See, Jerry isn't human; he's a personalised marketing VR... and he's malfunctioning.
I was not expecting this to be anything quite like it is. I mean the opening had me all like what the hell is going on here and on a side note it’s interesting that 1996 is a flashback date and since I am old it’s even worse lol. Though in all reality it is very cleverly done and it shows us a young Leopold and how he and his father’s relationship worked, also probably the moment that changed his life forever so there’s that too.
Props on the Newspaper headline as well I like the play here and it works well. Mainly because the truth is I believe that in the effort to become more advanced with out technology we’re losing sight that we’re moving too fast and society as a whole is isolated, individuality is nearly gone and the main purpose people seem to have is that of consumer. Of course the Republican Party would like us all to remain uneducated and ignorant so they can rule with impunity but that’s another story entirely.
I do like seeing Leo in his day to day life and with a woman who cares about him but only insofar as she can benefit from him. That my friends is how the general public sees the entertainment industry people. Not a great example to set or live by but hey that’s the world we live in. As it stands it’s great for Alex to use a part of his ongoing characterisation of Leo. I think the whole situation speaks volumes as to why our introduction went the way it did. Alex is very much impressing me with how we see Leo through deeds and words not to mention those who surround him that enable him to be who he is at the moment.
The interiors here are interesting. I like them there is some extremely good attention to detail in what we see as well as some weird ambiguity to it as well. It almost feels like this constant study in contrast and I think that surprisingly it works on every cylinder possible. A little disappointed he got out of bed and we saw nothing not even chest definition or lack thereof or even that the ass on that horse was blurred, those shows don’t do that ya know, and I do wish we’d gotten more backgrounds utilised. Still the utilisation of page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels shows off a strong eye for storytelling. The whole thing benefits greatly from Dee’s colouring. The colours are splendid, bright or muted or just in your face this is it stuff and it really creates that mood and dimension needed.
So why Leo is go-go dancing at a gay bar is something I want explored more because if he’s bi-sexual he just got incredibly more interesting to me. I think one of the aspects to this issue and the story as a whole that I was unprepared for was the concept. While I was thoroughly entertained throughout the entire issue getting to know Leo and that edging of the anticipation was all worth the wait when see the ending. Suddenly things make sense and my eyes got wide and I knew then and there unlike Big Brother this is where you should expect the unexpected.
With incredibly writing, pacing and characterisation wrapped around some truly unique and interesting artwork this is going to be the book we talk about through the New Year.