Aspen Comics 2015
Written by Vince Hernandez
Penciled by Claudio Avella
Inked by Mark Roslan
Coloured by Justice & Junachoo
Lettered by Josh Reed
The team finally came together as a unit in order to fight a Blue insurgence above the surface. However, they quickly realized their combined efforts were no match for the resolve of the Elite Councils’ finest soldiers. Yet, an even greater surprise came to Maylander and those stationed at their headquarters, the Rig, as the facility was infiltrated by the leader of the Blue, Siphon…
Well I have to say that I really like what Vince is doing here. The way he brought this team together and has had them gradually learning to trust one another and then brought in Siphon and the Elite Guard and bring us to where this issue ends has been one hell of a journey and it’s definitely one I wasn’t expecting. Because of that I think I have a newfound respect for Vince and his talent for weaving words into a story that transcend what you think is happening.
Maylander on the other hand gods when is this man going to die already!?! I’m ready for a protege of his to rise up and take over with a conflicting sense of duty to his mentor and the realization that this continual war and breaking of treaties isn’t for the best of either species. For me those actions would be much more complex and interesting to see unfold than this bigot of a man abuse his authority and position for a personal crusade to reinforce his own prejudices. Unscrupulous, yes, compassionate, not by any stretch of the imagination, in potential trouble and being cast out of the political arena, only if what we say in Kiani still holds true. Regardless this man has a one track mind and he needs to be put down and let someone with more unclear reasoning take center stage. At least then trying to guess and figure out reasons would be more fun and a challenge.
What the Elite would like Elia and the team to do is beyond surprising for me. There has to be more going on behind the scenes that we haven’t seen for this decision to have been reached. Hopefully in volume two we’ll see more of that revealed but in the meantime the prospect of what is proposed is not only incredibly daunting but it’s incredibly dangerous as well. Unless they plan on usurping a nation for their own where will they go and why leave their current home at all unless they fear Maylander will use some sort of nuclear device to destroy it.
My big problem with this issue is the interior artwork. It’s sloppy and it’s a travesty to see really. Almost like well i’ve been hired to do this so I have to but I don’t want to so i’m not putting any real effort into it. Aspen has some incredibly talented artists but this work here is beyond crap. While this is my opinion and others may disagree let’s showcase some of the things I based my decision on.
The background Elite soldiers are basically malformed as if rejects from a Lord of the Rings movie.
The mind controlled Blue have weird musculature that shouldn’t exist in either species plus they just look wrong like anatomy wasn’t a concern.
Elia and her conversation partner are often out of focus to hide lack of detail in faces, the shirt or bone armor is often misrepresented panel to panel or just hideously scribbled in as an afterthought. Where Elia sit’s that image of the Blue is just something that should never have print.
Inconsistent faces and posing throughout left me puzzled and thinking I could do better.
The ships under the sea lack any definition or majestry you’d expect to see.
So many panels seemed unfinished or left up to the inks and colours to fill in the missing gaps and that just ruined things for me.
Aspen is known for it’s stunning interiors and this feels like a slap in the face to all we’ve come to expect. Thank goodness the story and the writing is worth suffering through the ever devolving artwork.