Titan Comics 2015
Written by Cavan Scott
Art/Colour finishes by Blair Shedd & Rachael Stott
Coloured by Anang Setyawan
The Doctor, Rose and Jack arrived aboard a Lect ship just before it was destroyed by the Unon. The Doctor and Jack escaped aboard the TARDIS, but Rose was swept into the Time Vortex! A piece of purloined tech preserved her just long enough for her to be swept into the timescoops of a tentacled trader named Glom.
The Doctor and Jack tracked Rose down to the Fluren Temporal Bazaar, an illegal weapons fair hidden inside a supernova! The Doctor discovered Gallifreyan weapons among the items for sale, dangerous relics of the Time War. Angrily offering his unique, Time Lord mind to the highest bidder, the Doctor hoped to lure out the Unon... only to have a group of armored Lect teleport aboard and surround them, lasers at the ready!
I love that we are getting this limited series tale of Eccleston’s adventures as the Doctor. After all he’s the one who reignited the passion and love the series and all too often he’s overlooked since he was only around one season. Cavan also manages to infuse the excitment and freshness that seeing the Doctor, Rose and Jack together as if it’s brand new again. The writing here is just brilliantly done to keep things new and that haven’t been traveling together or working together for a long period of time that they are all still learning about each other.
Blair, Rachael and Anang’s work on the interiors is wonderful. I am thoroughly enjoying the unique look they are bringing to this series. For some reason this style really is enticing and helps differentiate it from the rest and it feels groundbreaking in its crispness and attention to detail. The line work and overall appearance just really makes that kind of statement that you can’t help but notice and keep coming back to.
The Fluren Temporal Bazaar is a stroke of genius really seeing all these aliens in one place some of whom haven’t officially made their presence known yet but have been given a reason to hate the Doctor now and humans it’s just something I’m surprised we haven’t seen more of. Plus I haven’t the foggiest notion why but i’m digging Glom.
Rose thinks the Doctor is killed when he’s just shifted to another dimension by the centaur knight. I love the dialogue here it’s bloody fantastic I mean the excitement from the Doctor at learning he has legends was perfect. Then what transpires with the Udon’s Mother Superior and the implications that has well it’s reading like you shouldn't expect to have. It really is something to think about and so nicely parallel to what we’ve seen in our own history which is the basis for most writing regardless of where it’s supposed to originate.
I also like that we see the Doctor’s biggest insecurity coming to the forefront here as well, the one thing that he’s kept the most secret and has haunted him ever since. By George this is how you wow an audience, keep them thrilled and ensure they’ll be back!