Skybound/Image Comics 2018
Written by Robert Kirkman
Co-Plotting by Scott M. Gimple
Illustrated by Chris Burnham
Coloured by Nathan Fairbairn
Lettered by Rus Wooten
Last issue’s surprise release sent fans scrambling to the local shoppes to ensure picking up a copy. Personally I loved that this was a release that wasn’t announced, that hadn’t been spoiled by Previews or the like and we all came into this blind. So while I have had time to think about it the fact that they are Japanese strikes me as too cliché and unless their father had them cloned from his DNA so to ensure identical triplets, really in Japan that’s really unheard of okay maybe only by Americans because we’re self obsessed as research shows that twins and triplet rates are the same worldwide though in Japan triplets overwhelmingly tend to be male. Regardless I would have loved seeing them from somewhere in South America if only because it would unexpected.
This issue opens up with a quick recap of the boys and their upbringing. I appreciate how that went as we really don’t need to delve into them being kids so fully, at least not yet if at all. The lead in to the story is beautifully done as is and I gotta say it’s interesting to see how each of them operate now compared to the past. Nature versus nurture would be a paper worth reading after this because we do see the emergence of three very distinct personalities who don’t share a lot in common other than their skill sets. Alright so we’ve seen me think about triplets in Japan and a study paper so Robert is doing more than his job because he’s got me so involved in this book that my mind doesn’t stay on the page.
I am kind of drawn to the brutality that we see and I am not sure if I should be disturbed by that at this point. Probably because it is so far from what my life is like is among the top reasoning. Then of course we have the other side of the equation here as well. I am kind of in love with Senator Lipshitz at this point. She’s got brass cajones and a mouth that well yeah she’s kind of her own force of nature and how destructive depends on the strength of her ire. Then Senator Barnaby is one of those classic villains or mad scientist type and he has these delusions of grandeur about himself and I dunno right now I find him extremely boring and overrated.
Oh Chris is such a talent and it’s nice to see his style tweaked a little bit for this series. Instantly familiar with that strong intense linework but there is also something else here that sets it apart. I love the creativity and imagination that we see here and how the backgrounds are utilised to enhance the story and provide that sense of scope for where they are. The utilisation of page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels shows off Chris’ eye for storytelling which continues to impress time and time again. I’m even more impressed (chagrined) to see that Chris manages to keep his penis from being seen throughout the entire issue ok that’s fib c’mon man really? Though legitimately the body the fighting the lack of nose all of that is impressive as all get out I mean strongest work to date and you gave Nathan some hella good stuff to colour.
With everything that happens in this issue I have been pulled even deeper into the story. I’ve got questions galore and I’m dying to know more about the brothers three relationship to one another. This is amazing, it’s bloody violent, and the story is woven intricately throughout tying in pieces while making others more elusive. This damn fine storytelling from EVERYONE involved!