American Mythology Productions 2017
Written & Illustrated by Mike Wolfer
Gray Tones by Ceci De La Cruz & Perry Macnamee
Lettered by Natalie Jane & Pat Brosseau
It’s kind of funny I was recently lamenting the loss of old series like House of Secrets, The Witching Hour and House of Mystery. The old horror series were some of the most creative books i’ve had the pleasure to find. The art is beautiful, haunting and can creep out the best of us and the writing had to be inventive time and again to make it work. Why do I bring this up because the esteemed Mike Wolfer has brought back that old feel in this new series.
This is an anthology series so we get three short stories in this debut issue. I’m more than a little impressed by this too because I think it’s harder to tell short stories than longer ones. You’ve got a short amount of time to hook the reader in and deliver the twist and then it’s over so the timing is crucial. I’ve been a fan of Mike’s for a long time now and if there’s one thing the man can do is tell a story regardless of how much time there is to tell it.
Another rather impressive thing about this is that Mike does the artwork as well. It’s rare these days for someone to do both the writing and art chores in a series but man let me tell ya there isn’t anything he can’t do well. The artwork here is sublime and the attention to detail, the use of backgrounds not to mention the use of page layouts through angles and perspective really pack a solid punch. As if it weren’t enough each story has a much different time, place and feel to it and it’s reflected in his artwork. The range that we see here is astonishing.
Each story as I’ve said takes place in a different time and place so if one isn’t one your thing then wait there are two more. The Western story took me surprise and I have to admit I found it fascinating and completely fresh and original. The Romance story is beautiful, dark and deadly and there’s no getting around that you reap what you sow. Finally we get a Science Fiction style story. Individually each and every one of these has a strong enough premise to warrant a full length feature feature and yet that they manage to be short, sweet and succinct blows me away.
This is one of those series that if you A. enjoy horror stories, B. like well told stories with excellent characterisation and solid premises or C. just enjoy being swept away in something that will keep you enrapt to the page and entertained throughout then you need to call your shoppe or subscription service and see if they carry this. If not make em order it it’s through Diamond so they’ll be able to get it for you.
By the way the black and white style of storytelling really was the best decision in making this come to life like it does. While colour is exciting this really brings me back to those classic stories that managed to evoke the chills inside me.