Zenescope Entertainment 2020
Written by Hans Rodionoff & Adam F. Goldberg
Illustrated by Allan Otero
Coloured by Leonardo Paciarotti
Lettered by Carlos M. Mangual
For all of history, humans have been looking to the stars for answers, but what if the stars have been looking back? Do you believe reports of everyday people being abducted and experimented on by otherworldly lifeforms? Are the bright lights seen in the night sky the cause of a natural phenomenon, maybe they can be explained away by our technological advancements, or are they something much more terrifying?
I really found myself enjoying this. It is the right kind of crazy and not so much an exaggeration of what we think of from people's real life encounters. So far as we can call their recollections real life encounters. Although I do like the opening for a myriad of other reasons and that he's saying goodnight to his children and well right before the main event was well I guess you'd say that his credibility might be a little shot. I do have to say that what the guys have thought of here as they explore this story in these pages has been phenomenal to see play out. There are some chilling and goosebumps inducing moments throughout the issue and it really is so gosh darn good.
I keep saying Zenescope grew up and they've turned into this amazing house for killer stories. This is a great example of that and the way we see the story & plot development we see through the sequence of events unfold and how the reader learns information is presented beautifully. I really like how the one thing leads into another, and so on and so forth, and keeps us on the edge wondering what on earth could happen to this guy next. The character development we see is pretty darn great as well. I like how we see the personality before, during and after all of what is experienced it is an interesting journey to see him take. The pacing is wonderful and as it takes us through the pages revealing the twists and turns along the way it works with everything to help create the books ebb & flow.
This is a definitely one of those in your face subtle thriller type of books that demonstrates if you have the right creative team behind it even a UFO abduction can be scary good. I was wondering how they were going to top the first arc but this I gotta say this is precisely what it needs to be to warrant this franchise continuing.
The interiors here are really quite good. Allan is a great illustrator and how he's able to utilise the varying weights in the linework to create this amazing attention to detail is utterly marvellous. Also he and Leonardo, who make such an excellent team, handle the more nature nature really well. The attention to detail here really is quite spectacular and how the backgrounds are shown and how they are utilised within the composition in the panels bring us depth perception, scale and that overall sense of size and scope to the book. The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels show a strong and talented eye for storytelling. The colour work is marvellous as well and the way that we see some of the effects that go to a place like that oil stain in water that we see after a rain on the ground, yes it has that kind of effect. Leonardo has such mastery and understanding of how colour works and how the various hues and tones within the colour and how they work is sublime. The shading, highlights and shadow work is gorgeously rendered and to the see the eyes iris this way is truly remarkable. I am sad we didn't see his tallywacker while he was on the table but maybe another time.
With no new books shipping for the next few weeks this is the perfect opportunity to read some of these stellar offerings from Zenescope. Break out of your cocoon and really explore what they have to offer and I guarantee you'll be pleasantly surprised!