Zenescope Entertainment 2015
Written by Joe Brusha
Illustrated by Vincenzo Riccardi
Coloured by Grostieta
Lettered by Fabio Amelia
Surrounded by dozens of zombies, Colt, Nova, Melissa, and Raxus are saved from certain doom by Balgar, Cromm, and Tak... but Tavon’s life comes to an abrupt end when he’s on the wrong side of a zombie attack. Meanwhile, with the satellite dish in hand, the group decides to walk the subway line in order to get back to the ship and initiate the cure... however, they soon realize that heading underground was a big mistake.
I’m a big fan of this story and the way that Joe manages to tell it. This is the final chapter of the story and while there are some things I was hoping would happen didn’t the whole thing ends logically and within reason. That not everyone survives is great since it has that whole realistic tone to it. Vincenzo and Grostieta’s work on the interiors has been top notch as well. This whole story has really filled me with a sense of hope for the direction that Zenescope is taking with their stories and series.
The way the story progresses as we see our bands of survivors fighting to stay alive and get the cure out is smartly done. When Raxus helps to save Colt and then gets bitten and what he does next was one of those things that I couldn’t help but get choked up about and proud of. Then switching gears to the cemetery where the bad guys or what’s left of them were being held yeah that was more than a fitting thing to have happen to them.
Part of me likes that the aliens have more compassion for others than the humans do. Ultimately that really didn’t matter but it’s the kind of characterization that tends to go against the grain and it’s one of those things I really liked. Another thing that was exceptionally well done this issue is that there’s a real sense of impending doom, danger and that race against the clock where it doesn’t look like they are going to make it. The tension in the story was incredible. It was so strong and palpable that it really managed to make the heart beat a little faster as events unfolded.
I’m still a strong believer that this would make either a phenomenal animated movie, mini-series event or even big screen blockbuster. Yeah a little tweaking will need to be done for it be as good as it can be but that’s okay. Otherwise the way this has been laid out for us has been intelligent, well paced and surprisingly adult in nature without falling back on the barely clad heroine or damsel in distress.
Heck even the ending here was well done and leaves the door open for another story down the road. With or without all those who survived this issue there’s potential for a set of stories to follow everyone involved. So hopefully this won’t be the last we’ve seen of these characters.