Image Comics 2015
Created & Written by Jason A. Hurley
Created, Written & Illustrated by Jeremy Haun
Coloured by John Rauch
Lettered & Designed by Fonografiks
Oh my stars and garters this issue is by far my favorite! Not only is one of those bible thumping preachers with his God Hates Beauty campaign featured naked with Jack Daniels bottles and a pile of cocaine but he’s got a man in bed with him also naked. I’m just sorry we didn’t see more than his great hairy chest, stomach and happy trail or that nice rounded full buttocks.
Okay so opening with that set the stage for this issue and by George the boys surely don’t disappoint with the rest of it either. Last issue the director of the CDC who was working in conjunction with the people responsible for Beauty was summarily dismissed and switched sides. This issue we see her in the lab retrieving a sample of the virus so they can expedite a cure.
I will say this the characterization we get from this issue when everyone meets up is fantastic! I mean after Jocelyn Grace was murdered during their interview she’s really been a big help but now she’s got to work with the man who probably hates and mistrusts her the most and them all getting along won’t be easy. Still I like the way they interact with one another and i’m super impressed with the writing. Heck even the Detectives and their personal feelings and family relationships are getting a much closer look here and it’s great.
I love the assassin whose face we never see and his scene this issue. We’ve already seen him perv and kill a female prostitute but this issue it proves he’s an equal opportunity perverted killer. Oh and thanks now I wonder how big he was before he was infected with Beauty if he’s nicely hung now. Though really Jeremy no hair except a tad bit above his man bits. As horrid as it sounds i’d love a longer extended look at him doing this to one of his clients I mean the aftermath is utterly disgusting and he’s naked as a jaybird so I really wanna see him kind of get his jollies in what he does.
So once the science is done and they think they have the cure ready they need someone to test it on. Detective Vaughn offers to be the guinea pig here and what they tell her isn’t exactly encouraging but then again we’re dealing with something untested and a virus that is unpredictable and uncontrollable.
I can’t get over just how damn good this issue was. I mean sure there’s no chase scenes but there’s plenty of action, characterization and major plot development. So much happens visually and in the story that it feels like we’ve had this major development, and we did on one level, in what feels like a double sized issue even if it wasn’t. There’s no doubt in my mind that this has emerged as one of contenders for best and strongest new series of the year and it only looks to get better.