In Night of the Animated Dead, siblings Barbara and Johnny visit their father’s grave in a remote cemetery in Pennsylvania when they are suddenly set upon by zombies. Barbara flees and takes refuge in an abandoned farmhouse along with stranded motorist Ben and four local survivors found hiding in the cellar. Together, the group must fight to stay alive against the oncoming horde of zombies while also confronting their own fears and prejudices.
Night of the Animated Dead features the voice talents of Josh Duhamel (Jupiter’s Legacy, Transformers), Dulé Hill (The West Wing, Psych), Katharine Isabelle (Ginger Snaps), James Roday Rodriguez (A Million Little Things, Psych), Katee Sackhoff (The Mandalorian, Battlestar Galactica), Will Sasso (MadTV), Jimmi Simpson (Westworld) and Nancy Travis (Last Man Standing).