Sticky Graphic Novels 2015
Written & Edited by Dale Lazarov
Illustrated by Dustin Craig
Once again we delve into the world of all male romance and sex filled wordless storytelling with Dale’s newest offering. Set on world where a diplomat comes to seemingly make headway with the ruler in this almost science fiction style story. It has this first look of a world where old fashioned garb of the characters mix with spaceships delivering a man in military style dress creating this world of old mystique.
Immediately you see the attraction in the eyes of the king and this man who has come to visit. I’m really impressed with the world that Dustin creates here it’s got this sensual beauty to the landscape that puts you in this romantic mood and begins with this subtle flirting over dinner before the two men move on to some more serious love making.
Make no mistakes this is an erotic story full of imagery that depicts intense sexual acts but Dustin manages to bring this to life with a natural ease that while has that smutty quality is also very much what it’s like when two people engage in the act. The King in his slightly overweight appearance with his red hair, hairy chest and delightfully hairy tuchus do wonders in creating that real person, not a built like a god traditional porn standard, in real situations that are for everyone not just for a select few.
There’s humor here as well as they have to decide who will be the top, first anyway and it’s a cute thing to flip the coin. The whole thing is an excellent portrayal of a night of unbridled passion between two people who have that spark of desire. While this is no instruction guide it should be looked at as an example that when you are with someone that there should be no clear cut roles and that you and your partner can do it all with each other to fully enjoy the sexual experience.
To be frankly honest when we hit the sling or hanging chair I really wanted to see more there with how they would use that to heighten the pleasure and different acts capable with it’s use. Regardless it’s just enjoyable to see men of all types in these stories having this full and interesting sex lives.
What sets this apart from other books of an erotic nature is that while we see intense and penetrating sexual acts there’s also this romantic side to it that seems less like a set-up just to get to the sex. So for me it’s less porn style writing and more sensual and involved than pure wham bam thank you Sam. There is a softer loving side to the stories that leave you feeling more than just spent. So throw caution to the wind and experience what classy smut is!