American Gothic Press 2015
Created & Written by Jeremy Robinson
Illustrated by Matt Frank
Coloured by Diego Rodriguez
Lettered by Marshall Dillon
This my friends is what 1998’s Godzilla movie should have been! Wow this just took me there and made me all kinds of creature feature fanatic mode. Aside from the fact that we have no real way of knowing, yet, how this creature has come to be only the clues from last issue it’s managed to dominate this issue in ways that thrill and terrify the reader. Jeremy has just launched himself into this stratosphere of awesome writers that can take a monster and make you squeal in both joy and squirm from violence in the same breath!
Then can we talk about Matt for a moment, who coincidentally is no stranger to Godzilla either. He is the best artist no one is talking about! Aside from the fact that this creature he’s managed to create and the imagination required to do so the real people in this book are just as finely rendered. His use of pages, panel layouts, attention to detail in every aspect of every page is truly something to marvel at. Just look at the page with the Moose and tell me i’m wrong, you can’t.
So even with this new creation now running amok Jeremy manages to give some excellent character reveals for the main players here. When Hudson calls this in you know something bigger than a Fish and Wildlife guy is involved and the Sheriff well she’s just all kinds of awesome. She’s got secrets of her own too and for now those well are hers and hers alone. When they meet Katsu Endo personal security for General Lance Gordon well we do learn who Hudson really works for and that adds a bit more hmm to what’s going on. I mean he keeps saying he’s hunting Sasquatch but now………
I love the way the story goes after they meet. We see this duality of what happens between them and the General while also seeing the creature out on the loose. In both instances we get a whole of violence and maybe a smidgen of respect. Another thing that I personally appreciate is that while the creature is tearing up the countryside we don’t see a lot of blood and guts. It’s more the threat of and the aftermath which quite frankly is a lot scarier to imagine than having splayed out in front of us.
Once our pair start in pursuit of the creature I can’t get over the quality of the storytelling. Everything that happens happens for a reason and it’s the little things that as you see it unfold you realize just how big the scope of the story really is. The small peak at how the General is tied to the creature and the course said creature and how and when they will reappear in the same spot is exciting to anticipate. This really takes the reader by surprise by just how well it’s being presented to us.
This is one of those rare surprise books that is probably the best thing i’ve read this week, so far. A guaranteed thrill ride!