Valiant Entertainment 2018
Written by Eliot Rahal
Pencilled by Joe Bennett
Inked by Belardino Brabo
Coloured by Ulises Arreola
Lettered by Dave Sharpe
Ninjak has been blackmailed! His arch-nemesis, Roku, has taken his best friend Neville Alcott’s family captive and threatens to execute them unless Ninjak breaks into MI6 and steals Asset 147! With no choice but to steal the mysterious weapon, Ninjak succeeds...but at a great cost. He’s forced to turn on his friends and colleagues to retrieve the item, and now the superteam Unity is called in to take him out...! Set in a world of its own and based on the upcoming Ninjak Vs. The Valiant Universe webseries, the bone-breaking action!
So what is something that could get Colin to do something that is the seeming betrayal of all that his friends hold dear? Well it certainly helps with what we see for us to know what’s going on and what his motivation is and well it’s also very much something that endears him to us the fans even more. It doesn’t hurt seeing Neville telling Colin his wife’s pregnant and he wants him to be the godfather. I mean this goes so far above and beyond asset handling if you ask me. Still I do like that they are further establishing the relationship the two men have.
Well since Colin was more than able to get the Book of the Geomancer and Roku sees it she’s less inclined to kill Jillian and her daughter. That is all fine and dandy for now because we see when Gilad is approached by Livewire about going after Colin. Again another friendship where one is mystified over the actions taken and yet is there not as someone to harm but to help if he can at least that’s the reader take on it. Oh yeah and Bloodshot’s already mentioned as being on his trail and we all know what kind of man he is, shoot first ask questions never.
There is something about the way that Eliot has structured this so the flow of the whole thing is pretty damn spectacular. Also that Ninjak who has no inherent powers only his mind, his skill set and a whole lot of gadgets is able to take on these super-powered beings and well win is some excellent writing. Yeah we all know Batman has the same thing going on but over the years he’s become expected to play that role while Ninjak gets it because he’s not powered up and there’s a difference in how the two are perceived which makes all the difference in the world.
I love the interior artwork here. Not only does it feel like a classic comic book story, if you really do not know what I mean that’s 70’s/80’s before all the pockets and dark angst. The use of page layouts so we see these angles and perspective in the panels like we do shows off a strong eye for storytelling. Also I really like how we see so much in the panels while not all of them are utilised it’s okay for those that are it works wonders in enhancing and expanding the story.
Not only is the story, premise and all that jazz reasonable and justifiable for the actions he is taking but the pacing of the story and seeing how he handles his teammates is just over the top action/thriller fun! Also the opening here has the full cast of who’s who for the webseries that will be the same story as the one we’re reading. Alright I don’t know if it will be the exact same story or if the two share certain plot points but you still get the idea.
Valiant continues to respect their creators and their characters so that they are some of the best books we’ve seen.