Scout Comics/Binge 2018
Created & Written by A.C. Medina
Created & Illustrated by Fernando Pinto
Coloured by Triona Farrell
Lettered by Micah Myers
Welcome to the planet Vida, an euphoric haven of resources. The sentient race inhabiting Vida depend of the strict leadership of their rulers for guidance. Four young geniuses are tasked with discovering and instituting an ideal method of leadership to make this the utopian society that the inhabitants wish to create. A simple experiment becomes an epic story of war, discovery, good old-fashioned bragging rights and the answers to the question of what makes a leader? Do we need leaders? And if we didn't, what would happen to a world without them?
Well the opening here was something I wasn’t expecting, well let’s be honest I hadn’t known what to expect to be begin with but it certainly wasn’t anything like this. This is as far from a bad thing as you can possibly get too plus A.C. is a writer I've known for a while and he continues to impress me with his imagination, creativity and skill each time I read a new story of his. This one is much more surprising to me it’s got a heavy kind of presence to it and it’s more on the violent side as the actions that are taken aren’t something while with double meanings is a tad shocking.
The way that this is structured is very well done. The way that we learn what is going on in this story and how that information is released draws the reader in and captures the imagination beautifully. Then there’s the characterisation and it too has this interesting quality to it where it’s a mixture of narration, dialogue and actions that help the reader to really understand who these people are. We may or may not like them but these four people have grown up together and trained exclusively for this kind of mission. There is a great page that shows us their statistics kind of like you’d see in a Dungeons & Dragons character sheet. This gives us a kind of impression of these folks that make the combination a lot more interesting.
The interiors here are interesting to me. They feel kind of like a cross between comics and Sunday Newspaper funnies. The imagination and creativity we see is lovely as this alien world and the species that lives on it are brought to life. Honestly however it’s the eyes that make think of the newspaper angle. Which is at odds with the way that we see the ship and technology that has some great attention to detail to it. Overall it’s a great look and as unique as it comes so that it’s as easy to find yourself swept up in the story. The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels shows off a nice solid eye for storytelling. That we also get to see backgrounds utilised helps expand the story and bring us a great size and scope to the story.
I do like that there are four of them like the four elements however I am not sure that correlates here. The four factions that are created here, well three technically, are based on the principles that run our world and to see that being done here in the time allotted well I am both impressed and horrified. Regardless Scout Comics and it’s new imprint Binge have found a perfect offering for their first book. It has all the intrigue, awe and wonder that takes the reader on a journey and makes them question what they believe in and how they see the world around them.