Dynamite Entertainment 2015
Written by Cullen Bunn
Illustrated by Eman Casallos
Coloured by Adriano Augusto
Lettered by Rob Steen
This is a bittersweet issue for me. On the one hand it’s time for the story to end but on the other hand it’s the way Cullen has written this tale that makes me wish it wouldn’t. I mean we’ve seen some of the most unusual and bizarre things happen to these characters as they have been cast throughout time to stop a common enemy that has seemingly been one step ahead of them the entire way. From various incarnations to whom each is at their core we’ve seen some of the most stellar characterization happen in these issues. This just ignites inside me the desire to see more of them get either ongoing or limited series in the near future.
Of course this wouldn’t have nearly been as successful without the amazing talents fo Eman and Adriano. They’ve managed to bring these various individuals to life and repeatedly surprise us with how they evolve from issue to issue.
Well I have to say that there are plenty of moments in this issue that highlight why i’m such a fan of this story so far. I mean seriously when we see the Egyptian parchment written in hieroglyphics and no one among that group can read them it’s pretty freakin awesome! Then as each group who is there to do specific thing ends up meeting up because all roads lead to well pretty much nowhere yeah you begin to see that with all these changes we’ve been seeing they really have been masterfully manipulated by the Red Death.
Also i’m pleasantly surprised that with all the character developments that the fight scenes have continued to be so epically portrayed. No one seems to be getting in another’s way and they continue to fight as pretty good unit. Oh and regardless of which Miss Fury is talking, though i’m gonna guess the new one considering the original did plenty of time travel in her previous series, that she’s right about all this is pretty sweet. Again another nod in favour of seeing a limited series with her.
I do like that when the entire group hits Chicago 1917 and the way it all plays out yeah it’s not only kind of cool but open ended as well. With one group going to a house and the other subjected to the Red Death and a new fight from her forces well yeah it all is exactly as it should be. Though kudos once again on how the characters revert to their normal visages because A. it’s well written and B. the art is stunning. Though I do see potential here for Cullen to write another story with panel in particular.
Then there’s the Spider and I can’t place where in time he’s truly from but this whole headquarters of his and where he puts it that screams out for more exploration or just another epic story that requires heroes from all times and places to deal with. Still his recollection of them all once the adventure is over was nicely done and reminds us all where they belong in the annuls of history. I will say though that i’m unsure why the last page of my copy is a repeat it doesn’t make the most sense to me in terms of the narrative but hey.
There’s a reason I love that Dynamite has these characters and continues to show the world that they still have a place in the industry because many of these started the costumed craze. Also that Cullen and company can create sweeping epic stories like this mean we constantly get to be thrilled and entertained.