Coffin Comics 2021
Written by Brian Pulido & Mike MacLean
Illustrated by Diego Bernard
Coloured by Ceci de la Cruz
Lettered by Marshall Dillon
Lady Death has always been the bad girl. But once upon a time, she was absolutely EVIL. Obsessed with annihilation, the diva of death sought to snuff out the entire human race and turn the earth into an endless graveyard. Thankfully, Lady Death changed her wicked ways to become a champion of the downtrodden and a scourge of demon-kind throughout Hell. For generations, the evil seething within the witch's soul lied dormant... forgotten... until now!
Should Lady Death stay this way I wouldn’t be upset in the slightest. Granted my favourite version of her is when she’s midway between good and evil, where she’s fighting for herself and a better world but isn’t upset in the slightest about doing away with someone and in fact kind of relishes it. She fought for her place, for her mother and was kind of ruthless in doing so, that’s the woman I remember fondly. So to see her unapologetic in her actions is both a blessing and curse but for now i’ll stick with blessing, after all her son seems like whiny little thing and needs to grow a pair.
I am loving the way that this is being told. The story & plot development that we see through how the sequence of events unfold as well as how the reader learns information is presented exceptionally well. The character development is utterly phenomenal thanks to the dialogue, the character interaction as well as how they act and react to the situations and circumstances they encounter. This is all about how they interact and honestly it such a treat to see the dialogue especially from Lady Death to Johnny. The pacing is superb and as it takes us through the pages revealing more of the story alongside the twists and turns along the way are absolutely to behold.
I am a huge fan of the way we see this being structured and how the layers within the story continue to grow, evolve and strengthen. These layers within the story is where we see the the depth and complexity of the story and how it adds the drama or changes the dynamic of how we view the characters. How we see everything working together to create the story’s ebb & flow as well as how it moves the story forward is so immaculately achieved.
The interiors here are utterly spectacular! The linework that we see is phenomenal and how the varying weights and techniques are utilised to showcase this degree detail work is astounding. This is so visually stunning and every time you turn the page there’s something spectacular to look at. I’d like to see backgrounds utilised more as when we do see them they blow me away with what they add to the moments. We get such a great depth perception, sense of scale and that overall sense of size and scope to the story. The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels show a remarkably talented eye for storytelling. The colour work is absolutely divine. How we see the various hues and tones within the colours being utilised to create the shading, highlights and shadow work showcases such a stupendous eye for colour and how it works.
This is as thrilling a story as they come and this young man being at the centre of it all is really spectacular. How we see this eclectic cast of characters all being there for different reasons and many of whom are there to stop Lady Death from her nefarious plan may just be in way over their heads. This story, however, is why we love Lady Death because she is who she is whether that’s good, bad or ugly, though she’s drop dead gorgeous, she’s just one of the most amazing characters in existence today and this is how you keep her fresh, new and exciting.