Lion Forge 2017
Written by Alex Paknadel
Illustrated by Diego Galindo
Coloured by Valentina Pinto
Lettered by Jim Campbell
A standoff between the Italian navy and a migrant vessel leaves Meath struggling with a patriotic duty that made more sense in the fantasy Assante created. Even a violent militia group called the Knights of Albion are accepted as patriots in this new country Spode envisions. Buried under black propaganda that villainizes the hurting, Meath is forced to clash with reality, including the appearance of Myers's mother, while Gilmour and Coal uncover the truth behind twisted Foresight experiments.
Prime Minister Spode has bribed, killed and stolen his way into being the country’s Prime Minister and with a series of lapdogs at his disposal such as his daughter spouting the news England finds itself at the hands of a certifiable madman. So I have no idea how much of this was Alex’s idea and how much is just the culmination of everything that has come before but what I do know is that by the end of all this Meath had darn well better exposed Spode for who and what that foul creature truly is! I mean he’s like the Donald Trump of Great Briton and that’s a scary ass thing to see.
So if you haven’t noticed by my impassioned paragraph above the characterisation here is way beyond what even I could have hoped it would be. Things have been coming to a head for a while now and yes Spode is trying to outdo Lorena on so many levels, I guess when you a micro-penis you do things like this, that he’s going way too fast way too quickly. At least Lorena has been cultivating her empire and seat of power for years before all this even dreamt of happening for Spode, though his evil is far more noticeable and palpable then he realises.
Now if this is your introduction to the series that’s okay you jump into the story here and not be left behind. Alex does a sensational job working in what’s come before throughout the entire issue without you even thinking twice about it as it also ties into the current arc that well. Every new arc of a series should start off as easily accessible as this one is. Alex is more than coming into his own before our very eyes in terms of his writing, he’s becoming more confident and assertive and it’s absolutely delightful to witness.
I am a fan of Diego’s and have been so seeing his work here is great. He does an excellent comic book style and he is able to utilise the varying weights in the linework to create some very nice attention to detail. I like the jacket and the shirt beneath it but not terribly keen on the jeans or maybe I'm not getting a proper enough look at it. Also keep it purple cause yes ma’am! The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels show us a wonderful eye for storytelling. The utilisation of backgrounds I would like to see focused on more, there are times when that blank space (behind Spode on the podium) can be disconcerting or feel like someone got lazy. I am very much enjoying the colour work here as well. There is some excellent shading and shadows in play and all too small patches of colour gradation but the overall effect is rather dynamic.
Lion Forge has really impressed me with this Catalyst Prime Universe and this one hasn’t disappointed in the least. It has a modern fresh feel about it with a tie into the that four-colour comic of the past, thanks to his time being spoon-fed the lies. How Meath is going to deal with all these underhanded, muckraking liars and such while trying to pull himself together is were the real fun in all this lies. People, you want good, modern and moody superheroes then look no further.