IDW Publishing 2017
Written by Brian Ruckley
Illustrated by Andrea Mutti
Coloured by Vladimir Popov
Lettered by Christa Miesner
New York, 1955. Connor MacLeod – the Highlander – and Osta Vazilek are pursuing
John Hooke, a fellow immortal and serial killer who has roamed the United States for centuries. At stake is nothing less than the future itself: which immortal will survive to reach the Gathering, claim the Prize and turn the world towards either light or darkness?
This has come to embody everything about the franchise that we could have wanted and more. Why because it’s rooted in Connor’s past, with his associates and takes a look at his history in ways that make this more dynamic and interesting that many of us bargained for. Brian has beautifully captured the very essence of the franchise and it’s appeal in this story and shows promise that we can in the future look forward to more peeks into his past.
So I know that Highlander was all about Connor but seriously the more we see of the Monk the more I want to see. There’s something about him that is comforting and yet also hides the fact he’s dangerous as all get out. Yes he’s taken the way of peace and tranquility but he’s also an immortal and one who has to find a way to survive and if he’s to do that he cannot deny the taking of someone else’s head once in a while.
I like Andrea’s work here and it’s a little different from the other book he’s got out this week. This one is a bit less detailed and had a much broader lane for interpretation. I love the clothes and the look of the of both the fifties, where everyone and I do mean everyone smoked then to the eighties where the fashions were louder and well let’s just say colourful. I do miss his backgrounds but that’s a personal thing because really the work doesn’t need them here. Still the way page layouts are used through angles and perspective are well done.
When it comes down to it the Highlander story is one based upon characterisation and the ability to weave a good story. Thankfully we are getting that here. The door has been opened to timeline of possibilities, like who was the first immortal and how did the tradition find its way to the end? Someone had to know or establish the rules by which they follow and honestly I think it’s time Connor discovered the whole unmitigated truth in a story told by this creative team.
This really is the perfect way to keep the franchise alive, explore Connor’s life, loves and experiences. Nothing is off limits and there’s plenty of story to go around. While not a continuation of a series is is the perfect compliment to one.