Marvel Comics 2019
Written by Tini Howard
Illustrated by Marcus To
Coloured by Erick Aciniega
Lettered by VC's Cory Petit
The Otherworld is rocked by war! It is a new era for mutant kind as a new Captain Britain holds the amulet, fighting for the Kingdom of Avalon with her Excalibur at her side - Rogue, Gambit, Rictor, Jubilee...and Apocalypse.
I was looking forward to this when it was announced, though I was unaware of the cast of characters at the time. I am still not sold on these characters as a team but then I am jaded because the original run was one of the best Marvel series, after New Mutants. Like that one we'll see how this one gels as the story moves forward because the premise here seems incredibly strong. I will say this Tini has this way about her writing that I just find myself drawn to. The work here is no different and the reports, for lack of a better word, that Apocalypse keeps doing make for some really interesting reading and I think we see that schism in the ranks that should be there.
Well I do like the opening here as well with what we see in Otherworld and though we do not yet know how it relates to the mutants and Krakoa we'll see soon enough. Then to see Betsy's departure from Braddock Academy is somewhat bittersweet. Only in the fact that Tini writes a very interesting conversation between Betsy and Brian. Here's the thing I have stayed away from the “X” titles for a reason so I am a tad under knowledgable when it comes to what's happening. I know the basics that Xavier revealed his existence then created a new manifesto and place for mutants all over the globe to be welcomed, regardless of hero, villain or just indifferent.
The way that this is being told is very interesting. The story & plot development we see here with how the book is structured and the introduction of the situation that arises is very well orchestrated. The character development is interesting and I see where the characters are right now and I can see some fiery fierce loyalty bubbling beneath the surface. With the pacing here we see how twists & turns as well as a few revelations create a wonderful ebb & flow to the story. I am totally unfamiliar with Trinary though if she's able to work with Doug (Cipher) then she's someone I want to know more about and preferably with Doug. After all he is among my favourite characters at Marvel.
The interiors here are nice and at times utterly outstanding. For the most part it looks like a traditional comic book style and that's perfectly fine with me. The linework is good, strong and the varying weights are utilised to create some stellar attention to detail. The page where Betsy comes to the Krakoa has some of the most interesting detail work and the land and how we see the lines in the structures to keeps sections stable is sensation. Also hell yeah for Toad. Then we see Apocalypse and I like everything except the flowers on the top. The lack depth, feeling or any sense they are real and that's a shame to see such beautiful work and then see that is disappointing. The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels show a strong eye for storytelling. The colour work is phenomenal (except those damn flowers). The way a base colour is chosen and how we see the various tones and hues within to create shading and shadows is marvellous. Also love to see how the light sources are being utilised.
The book has a ton of potential and so long as Brian is going to be a part of this and we see how the team that will be assembled gel will say how long I'll be around. Tini is an amazing writer and it's nice to see her taking this on and hopefully utilising Betsy as the teams leader. With this art team being solidly in place and some darn fine lettering I can't wait to see what's next.