Skybound/Image Comics 2014
Created & Written by Joshua Williamson
Created & Illustrated by Andrei Bressan
Coloured by Adriano Lucas
It’s hard to believe we’re only ten issues into this series because it feels like I’ve been enjoying for years and each issue that comes out is like welcoming an old friend back into your home. Joshua has done this amazing job in keeping this series moving forward while showcasing the past and hinting at the future while each character get the best attention possible endearing them to us even further.
Oh now that Mom and Rya have met it’s great to see her fully coming to realize that Mikey is her son and that come hell or high water she’s going to find him and figure out what the heck is going on here oh and her learning she’s to become a grandmother already was kind of icing on the cake though here’s hoping she picks up her ex-husband before the ladies go out to find Mikey. From disbelief to a mother’s determination to be involved in what her son’s going through has been a nice transformation by Joshua.
Alright so it’s time go back to Mikey and Brennan as they face off against the Diviner whom Brennan wants to believe can cure Mikey of the parasite inside him. Even with the past coming back to haunt not only Mikey but to be visible to Brennan and their female companion. What happens throughout the remainder of this story and the way it plays out is astonishing to see. I mean what the real purpose of what is really happening here and how we see things unfold are two completely different things.
I’m truly and utterly amazed at the layer of storytelling happening here and that what is revealed is so much more intense and menacing than I could have thought really goes a long way in changing how you view the story. I mean from the get go we’ve seen Mikey as the savior of Terrenos and then slowly Joshua has revealed layer upon layer through the use of flashbacks and current actions that everything we’ve come to know is being told in a way that shows us that Mikey while having accepted his new role has also become something else entirely.
From the moment Brennan glimpsed Mikey’s passenger and then to now it’s been seemingly a thing that Mikey wants rid of something to be ashamed of and why he’s here to cleanse himself until this issue revelations and the darker more sinister purpose of him coming home is being revealed. What he’s been planning and how its been unfolding is honestly something I never saw coming and is quite difficult to grasp at first. That Joshua has managed to write this in such a way that the reader was completely taken unawares until this issues solidifying reveal showcases such a talent that you both curse him and praise him for.
Andrei and Adriano’s work on the interiors continue to be some of the most beautiful and amazing work on stands today. Just the way they can flow from people to scenery to stretching the imagination through the Diviner and Nevermind it all just works so completely. The intensity on the page matches the intensity of the writing and the attention to detail is among the best there is.
This is quietly one of the strongest most intense reads available today.