Dynamite Entertainment 2015
Original Story by Dean Koontz
Written by Chuck Dixon
Illustrated by Carlos Ponce
Coloured by Mohan
Lettered by Bill Tortolini
Last issue we met Erika and she decided she didn’t like being where she was and had Karloff help use the portal to go another Earth. When Victor came home and discovered his lab flooded and Karloff under water well he decided he needed to know what treachery had transpired. By the way yeah uhm those fish were even more frightening than Piranha just so you know, and yes I know they exist in the deepest depths of the ocean. Well to understand this you’ll have to read the issue but wow i’m impressed not only with the writing but the artwork as well.
Though to be honest with this creative team here i’m not really surprised by how good this issue is. Though I am really impressed by the level of detail and imagination I see here this is just another shining example of how Dynamite seems to know who exactly to get for what project to really make it that much more of an attention grabber.
Now on this other Earth we see Erika being told the storm, same in both universes it would appear, has a mandatory evacuation but since she refuses to go they aren’t going to force her. What we see from here is great and I love how all this parallel world stuff works. Though I have to admit part of me wonders which world we’re seeing exactly all the time. It seems like they would be too interchangeable but then something tells me that everything we see this issue happens where Erika is.
We do get to meet a couple new players in this little drama and if you’re a fan of the novels you’ll know the characters here and it’s finally nice to see them or at least her! Though honestly I love that Arney gets to be in his blanket fort reading comics and eating cookies while waiting out the storm and awaiting their return. Kind of makes me jealous too that we can’t always get away with that anymore lol.
I have to say that so far everything we’ve seen has been setting up one hell of a setup for what’s about to happen. I have to say I like that we’re getting a slow introduction and not this wham you’re into it because it means the characterization is stronger in my humble opinion. Also it gives us more of a chance to get to really see what’s happening. I will say that it looks like Chuck’s read the novels by Koontz or the two are working together very well to make sure the characters and how they behave are portrayed so well.
There’s the excitement of the unknown going on here along with plenty of the science supernatural. So yeah we’re getting a great new original addition to the book series and it’s times like this that make me glad i’m so well read.