Image Comics 2015
Written by Kel Symons
Illustrated by Nate Stockman
Coloured by Paul Little
Lettered & Designed by Pat Brosseau
This is the issue we’ve been waiting for. Seph and us learn the entire secret to Reyn’s very existence and it’s a total game changer! I’m serious about this book I mean what Kel and Nate have managed to do here really is something extraordinary. From its first issue of seemingly like any other Dungeons & Dragons style story to it’s science fiction infusion this has been one step ahead of me the entire run so far. Every time you think you have something figured out and under control, in your own mind of course, it turns out that Kel says oh no not the case, Surprise!
So Seph gets to see the mysterious woman that has been advising Reyn this entire time as well. She’s been leading her with the injured Reyn back to her. The journey takes them a long time through a myriad of landscapes and it’s here that Nate and Paul really get a chance to shine and demonstrate just how this “world” has evolved since the Venn attacked. There is a real sense of time and travel being done here and it’s quite amazing to see it played on the pages. The page layouts, pane usage and lack of words, see narration, relying just upon the artwork to tell this story is powerfully done.
So the ship’s artificial intelligence and why she looks the way she does and her mode of dress are explained here. I have to say shame on me for not realizing it before now but what Nate does is pretty darn impressive once that realization is brought forth. But seriously it’s what happens next that blew me away. The workforce aboard the Fate gets a spotlight however not why they were the workforce whereas the people in their cities weren’t used such.
Then we also get what happened when the Venn arrived and how the A.I. took steps to repel that invasion and how exactly it failed. M’Thall alive then and leading his forces in that attack and how he is still around however is still a mystery of his alien physiology and that’s something else to be revealed down the road. Then it’s time for Reyn’s origins. If you think you have it figured out I guarantee that you are mistaken and this whole revelation is something both spectacular and mindblowing at the same time.
When Seph is told what she is about Reyn and his feelings towards her well once again this has those ramifications that will forever alter their relationship. It will be interesting to see just how they interact from here on out knowing what she does and having decided what she did. I can see what her decision was according to the ending of this issue but now I am looking forward to seeing how she lives with that decision.
So where is this series going to go from here? Are the Venn truly vanquished? Will those they’ve traveled, fought and discovered the truth of their reality become more than they dared dream? There’s a lot going on here that leaves us with this unlimited story potential and the ability for Kel to keep blending genres and for surprising us at every turn. Personally I cannot wait to see what’s in store next!