Image Comics 2016
By Kaare Kyle Andrews
Lettered & Designed by Jeff Powell
Flats by Alice Ito
At the height of slavery, only 1% of America actually owned slaves... sound familiar? As Class War explodes across the city, Renato Jones finds himself with more at stake than he ever counted on.
Part of me keeps wondering when Renato is going to make sure Louise has a job working for him. We keep seeing her and her struggle to find work and now with this latest development in her neighborhood it seems less likely than ever that she’ll find something. Yet we still see her struggle and it’s in stark contrast to those 1% who hold all the cards and jobs and yet hire only a select few. I like her integrity and her drive & determination and the characterisation here is pretty fantastic it’s nice to see her being regularly represented here this way.
Nyotaimori is kind of fascinating and I have to say seeing the way Renato does it well that’s even hotter. I wasn’t aware you could kind of be turned on by this but Kaare makes enticing to say the least. It’s also the perfect opportunity for him to set up his next target as well who happens to be in Shenzhen, China and a ruthless employer of slave labour. Hell even during this meal he’s talking about his devices as if all he can talk about is work, he doesn’t know how to shut it off.
So seeing Mr. Pitts visit Tech-Chi while seeing Renato being fed sushi by these naked women off his own body well okay the dichotomy of the two is stunning to see side by side. I love the blacked out imagery of the feeding compared to the ruthlessness of the slave labour and the sheer amount of pain, death and violation of human rights we see at Tech-Chi. Kaare really does know how to make the best of both scenarios and almost distract the reader with the duality of what we’re seeing.
Also I don’t think i’ve mentioned them before but these fake advertisements are superbly done. The second one was extremely more erotic than i’m used to seeing and if sex sells well that’s sold me.
So when the Freelancer calls on Mr. Pitts what happens is something I couldn’t have expected and it’s totally awesome. Oh and the construction and anatomy addons in these products were fascinating, kinky and all around wonderfully depraved for Mr. Pitts pleasure.
So much nudity this issue and the suggestion if not outright showing of the male member was incredible to see. I love that sex and violence is so hand in hand here that one is the aphrodisiac to the other is beautifully handled. The real question is what is going to happen to Bliss and her father? The cliffhanger is spectacular really specially after she texts what she does. Can Bliss and Renato admit how the really feel about one another or does that game of besties have to keep playing out for their own safety? Guess we’ll find out in season two.
I’ve mention the artwork throughout but Kaare really does put everything out there on the page so that it has the utmost maximum impact on the reader. He’s kind of this mad genius when it comes to crafting the story both in words and visuals so that you can’t take your eyes off what you see. There’s a hypnotic and mesmerising effect he brings to this series that’s made it a breakout hit for me.