Boom! Studios 2020
Created & Written by Simon Spurrier
Created & Illustrated by Chris Wildgoose
Coloured by André May
Lettered by Jim Campbell
After outcast teens, Samuel, Samantha, and Samir, find an adorable but dangerous alien creature in the woods and name him Chip, they bond over their shared secret. But as the pressures of hiding an actual alien mount, they each begin to fantasize about how to use Chip's strange powers to improve the world -- starting with their current lives.
Geez I really am enjoying the heck out of this book! First Samuel's little video blog thing, what are those Vlogs, and his woke attitude is fun, and funny because it's interesting to see how kids think they know but really they don't. I think we were all like that when we're in high school at some point, thinking we're grown but we have barely begun. Simon captures this beautifully within the first two issues here and I have to say I find this so darn interesting with how it is being told. Also this is what grabs you, draws you in and generates that interest factor that holds you in it's sway.
I really am a fan of the way that this is being told. The story & plot development we see happen through how the sequence of events unfold as well as how the reader learns information is presented beautifully. I think the way that we are seeing the kids go through their day and have to handle their new pal is one of the more unexpected elements here. This also heads us into the character development which is extraordinary really. Teenagers are complex humans in that transitional state between childhood and adulthood so to see how the act and react to the situations and circumstances really help to show us who they are at their core. The pacing is superb and the way it takes us through the pages revealing the twists and turns along the way helps to create the books ebb & flow.
The whole idea here is great and how we are seeing come to life is really quite brilliant. There is something about being able to play god that comes with a heavy price and the more the kids use Chip in this way the more he gains power and the more dire the situations with the kids become. The way that this is seen by the reader is extraordinary and with the visuals the story becomes beyond intense and into a world where nothing is certain. I couldn't ask for more than what we've got here and I love every single moment of it.
The interiors here are so damn delightful. The way that we see the linework is amazing and wit the varying weights utilised to bring out the attention to detail shows this gorgeous, strong and steady hand. Now the sequences where we see the whole troubled youth are all those kids gay? I mean it sure looks like it but nowadays one can never be sure. I would love to think that's the norm in schools these days, being able to be who you are without worry it's a nice thought. One of the things I adore about all this is seeing Chip and how the creativity and imagination that Chris has and André utilising colours this way I mean it's stunning. The two-page spread and the pin-up show just how brilliant and mindbogglingly good these interiors are. With the way we see backgrounds being utilised and how they work within the composition in the panels show depth perception, scale and this overall sense of size and scope of the book. The colour work and how we see the various hues and tones within the colours utilised to create the shading, highlights and shadow work is utterly gorgeous. Seriously the way these colours swirl and shine leave me breathless.
This has so many layers to the storytelling and with each of the three Sam's. Of course there's Samuel as well whose mother is a police officer. Oh I cannot wait for next issue to see the outcome of how this issue ends because that is going to be drama thrilled. What these folks are doing is creating a book that's as much entertainment as it a temporary escape from reality. Thoughtful, engaging and over the top science fiction at it's best and I like how it fits in the genre in a way we don't normally see.