Directed by : Ryan Justice
Written, Produced and Edited by: Ryan Justice, Ian Longen, Jason Henne
Director of Photography: Ian Longen
Brooke: Amanda Delaney
Caleb: Justin Maina
Nick: Nishant Gogna
Jake: Sean Michael Gloria
“Beware What You Share”
FOLLOWERS continues a trend of using social media as a weapon of horror. Directed by Ryan Justice, it’s a flip on recent frights like UNFRIENDED and LIKE ME in which the perils of revealing too much about ourselves on the internet leads us into dangerous waters…or in this case, into the woods.
As it is FOLLOWERS is a worthy addition to the subgenre of ‘social media horror’, but I can’t help but be disappointed in what could have been. This cautionary tale, like its pretty protagonists, goes off the beaten path and devolves from a smart thriller into an all-too familiar landscape.
From the back row,
Darren McCullah